What languages do you need to know to create a website?

HTML is a text markup language used to create the structure of pages.

CSS is a styling language that is used to design the appearance of pages.

JavaScript is a programming language used for dynamic user interaction and interactivity on pages.

PHP is a programming language used to create more complex functions and applications, such as form processing, database management, etc.

Python is a programming language used to create web applications, machine learning, and other tasks.

Ruby is a programming language used to create web applications, especially using the Ruby on Rails framework.

Java is a programming language used to create web applications, especially using frameworks such as Spring.

C# is a programming language used to create web applications, especially using the .NET framework.

There are many programming languages available for creating websites.
The most popular ones are as follows:
Java, C#

Depending on the needs and requirements of your project, any of these programming languages can be used. There are also many frameworks and other tools that can help you build your web applications faster and more efficiently.

The most common language for creating websites is HTML.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a text markup language used to create the structure of web pages. HTML consists of various tags that describe different elements of a page, such as headings, text, images, and links.

Here are some examples of HTML tags:

<html> – defines the beginning of an HTML document;

<head> – contains information about the document, such as the title, meta tags and links to external resources;

<title> – defines the document title that is displayed in the title bar of the browser window;

<body> – contains the content of the document, such as text, images, and tables;

<h1> – defines the first level header;

<p> – defines a text paragraph;

<img> – defines the image;

And finally, the <a> tag is perhaps the most well-known tag. It defines a hyperlink (or just link).

The Internet became public in 1993, but it looked like a bunch of black and white documents without links.

It was only with the advent of HTML with this tag in 1995 that the Internet began to grow rapidly)).

You can add attributes to each HTML tag that specify additional information about the element, such as its size, color, link address, and so on.

An example of HTML code that creates a simple web page with a title, a paragraph of text, and an image:

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>My first web page</title>



<h1>Welcome to my website!</h1>

<p>This is my first web page that was created using HTML.</p>

<img src=”myimage.jpg” alt=”My picture”>



Your browser will convert this text into a page with the heading “Welcome to my web page!”, a paragraph of text saying “This is my first web page that was created using HTML.”, and an image called “myimage.jpg” with the caption “My picture”.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is not really a language in its own right.

Rather, it is a styling language that is used to ” decorate” web pages created using HTML. CSS is used to change the appearance of web page elements such as colors, fonts, sizes, positions, etc.

CSS rules look something like this:

color: red; – defines the color of the text on the page;

font-family: Arial, sans-serif; – defines the font of the text on the page;

font-size: 16px; – defines the font size on the page;

background-color: #f0f0f0; – defines the background color on the page;

margin: 10px; – determines the distance from the edges of the page to the element;

padding: 5px; – determines the distance from the border of the element to its content;

border: 1px solid black; – defines the frame for the element.

CSS rules are applied to elements on a page by specifying their name, class, or identifier. Identifiers and classes allow you to set rules for groups of elements.

Here is an example of CSS code that sets the styles for the heading, paragraph, and image elements on a web page that was created using HTML:

h1 {

color: blue;

font-size: 24px;


p {

color: black;

font-size: 16px;


img {

margin: 10px;

border: 1px solid #ccc;


This code sets the text color for the heading (h1) to blue, the font size to 24px, the text color for the paragraph (p) to black, the font size to 16px, and the outer frame for the image (img) to 1px thick and black, with a margin of 10px from the page edges.

If you need to make your website more dynamic and interactive, use JavaScript.

This language allows you to create websites that can respond to user actions, change page content without reloading the page, validate forms, and much more.

What you can do with JavaScript:

Display a pop-up window when the user clicks on a specific element on the page.

Change page content when a user clicks on a button or other element.

Check if the form is filled out correctly before submitting it to the server.

Automatically reload page content when scrolling to the end of the page.

Validate data entered by the user to ensure security against SQL injections and other attacks.

This is the JavaScript code that changes the page content when the user clicks on a button:


// Get the button element

const button = document.querySelector(‘button’);

// Add an event handler to the button

button.addEventListener(‘click’, function() {

 // Get the div element with the “output” identifier

 const outputDiv = document.querySelector(‘#output’);

  // Change the content of the div element

  outputDiv.textContent = ‘You pressed the button!’


This code adds an event handler to the button and changes the content of the element with the “output” identifier when the user clicks on the button. When the button is clicked, the content of the “output” element changes to “You clicked the button!”.

JavaScript also allows you to interact with third-party applications and services, create animations, and much more.

And finally, about PHP

PHP is a scripting programming language that is used to create dynamic web pages. A website created with HTML has a constant structure. When you open an HTML page, you will see the same code. A site made in PHP creates this page structure from the PHP code anew every time you access it. This language allows you to interact with databases, process forms, manage user sessions, and much more.

What you can do with PHP:

Forms processing: PHP lets you retrieve data from forms that users submit and perform actions on that data, such as saving it to a database, sending emails, and more.

Working with databases: PHP allows you to connect to databases, execute queries to databases, and get the results of queries.

Generating dynamic content: PHP allows you to generate dynamic page content based on data stored in databases or other sources.

Manage user sessions: PHP allows you to create and manage user sessions, which allows you to save data between different requests to the server.

It is probably inappropriate to give examples of PHP code here. As we can see from the description, it is a more complex programming language than HTML and JavaScript.

We have reviewed the four most popular languages for building websites. Other programming languages used to create websites are more complex and are used for more specialized tasks.

So, in conclusion, the programming languages we have described are not very difficult to learn (well, maybe with the exception of PHP). Creating a basic web page is not a difficult task. You just need to spend a little time and have an artistic taste. But to build a more functional, complex website, for example, an online store, you will need much more time and skills. 

Therefore, if website development is not your main job, it is better to turn to specialists, formulate your wishes, and make sure to provide feedback to the developers.


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